Your smile carries a very powerful energy. This summer, when walking down the street a random person smiled wholeheartedly in my direction leaving me blissfully transformed for a moment. I felt the positive force multiply in my heart creating a lovely sensation of softness and ease. My eyes filled with radiant light and in no time, I was perfectly content. One innocent smile from a stranger generated a series of smiles I in turn naturally sent to others.
As my face beamed out a radiant smile to the public, I felt my whole body smiling within. Whoever came across my path was gifted a smile as I had been gifted a moment before. From the innocent smile of a stranger a simple positive message nested in my heart which I carried through the rest of the day.
In some cultures, a smile is considered a powerful pacifier to the nervous system. When we smile our parasympathetic nervous system overrides tension and stress.
The energy of smile carries a high vibration. Your heart picks up energy of smile and quickly infuses its message on every cell as it pumps oxygenated blood around your body.
There are many simple gifts one can receive practicing conscious smile. In EEM we focus on Radiant Circuits and use energy of the smile to create inner peace and balance, and to experience a natural sense of joy.
Radiant Circuits can be compared to inner healers whose function is to regulate the flow of energy in meridians. When there is an unimpeded flow of energy through all the organs, tissues and cells it’s much easier to overcome everyday physical, mental and emotional challenges.
One of my favorite balancing techniques is the “smile meditation” I have learned from practicing chi gong. It helped me create a conscious connection with my inner organs and made me feel like there was a whole universe of relationships inside of me. Exploring those relationships opened me to deeper insights about life and my purpose.
If you would like to try, follow the simple steps listed below.
Tune into your 3rd eye and see happy, smiling energy reaching out to you. Breathe in and out. Feel the inner-embrace of your smile and direct its energy to your heart.
Hold your tongue at the soft pallet and smile to your yin organs (liver, pericardium, spleen, lungs and kidney) one by one according to the 5 elements cycle (see the list below).
Focus on your HEART
Lay your hands on your heart in the middle of the chest and slightly to the left. As you smile to your heart put a positive message inside it. For instance: forgiveness, joy, peace, appreciation, or gratitude. Make your heart peaceful, soft, and loving. Feel your lips smiling.
Smile to your yin organs in order:
HEART TO LIVER: With one hand on the heart and the other on the liver envision a beautiful, soft and gentle energy of smile reaching from your heart to your liver on the right side of your body under the ribs. See your liver smiling back to your heart. Stay here for a few breaths.
HEART TO PERICARDIUM: With both hands on the heart envision a beautiful, soft and gentle energy of smile reaching from your heart to the pericardium (heart’s protective sac). The heart and pericardium are situated behind the sternum. Pericardium is considered a “coolant” to the heart, a protector of the heart. See your pericardium smiling back to your heart. Stay here for a few breaths. Enjoy the peace of the moment.
HEART TO SPLEEN:> With one hand on the heart and the other on the spleen envision a beautiful, soft and gentle energy of smile reaching from your heart to your spleen on the left side of your body under the ribcage. See your spleen smiling back to your heart. Feel open and accepting of this inner connection. Hold your tongue at the soft pallet as your mouth holds a soft smile.
HEART TO LUNGS: With both hands flat across the upper chest envision a beautiful, soft and gentle energy of smile reaching from your heart to your lungs. Breathe in and out tenderly seeing your lungs relax. As your lungs open up fully see them emanating the energy of smile to your heart. Heart and lungs are the closest neighbours among the yin organs. Peaceful breath, peaceful heart.
HEART TO KIDNEY (last step): With one hand on the heart and the other hand on the right kidney envision a beautiful, soft and gentle energy of smile reaching from your heart to your kidney on the right side of your back in line with your elbows. Take a few breaths. Feel the right kidney smile back to your heart. Switch hands. Send a smile from your heart to your left kidney (in line with your elbows and next to your spine). Send smile energy from your left kidney to your heart. Feel the gentleness of this moment. Take a few breaths.
End with both hands on your heart. Keep a good message in its center. Feel embraced by love. Bathe your organs with gratitude. This is your inner universe. You are never alone. Feel the inner joy and strength. Feel your inner sanctuary.